Install Kolab 3.4 on Debian Jessie

The current version of Kolab 3.4 for Debian 8 does not configure after installation.

Mostly because their package cyrus-imapd is compiled against perl-5.18 and Jessie ships with 5.20.

So the first thing that you have to do is build an -nmu package from their sources.  Kolab sources require a single change to the file debian/cyrus-imapd.install.

Another little gotcha is that setup-kolab ldap fails to configure because:

This patch gets it going:

To check that the cyrus-imapd configuration is correct:

Once self-signed certificates are working with cyradm it is safe to configure roundcube. The following stanzas must be present in /etc/roundcubemail/ :

The following text in /var/log/roundcube/errors is an indication that the cafiles are not readable:

To make the cafile is readable it should be set chgrp ssl-cert and the user www-data should be a member of the ssl-cert group.

Then it should be possible to log-in to the roundcube web client.
